Thank You to all who attended our Open House

On December 9th we held our second Open House of 2023. Over 75 guests stopped by to talk model trains and see what we’re about. We had a great turnout from our club members who were able to spend some time with everyone talking trains and showing them our club. We made many new friends and hopefully a couple of new members to share in our club and activities. We are already making plans to host our next open house in May or June of 2024 so keep your eyes appealed to our website, Facebook page and our Instagram re-launch coming up soon.

HO Scale Module Build has Begun!!!!

Recently members of the MPRR Club set our module building plans in physical motion after many months and for some years of preperation. We have 50 modules to build from 2 feet deep 4 feet long to some spanning 3 feet wide! Thanks to the design and stock preperation by former President Stu Dom and his sheer determination to move this project along, a fine tuned and methodical crew of volunteers has been building. We still have much to do and many more steps to complete by we are making progress.

We had a GREAT Open House

I’d like to Thank everyone who helped make our Open House a resounding success! About 150 guests enjoyed our day and got to see some model trains running, ask questions, share in our hobby, and generally enjoy the afternoon with some good company. Thanks to all who visited and we look forward to planning another open house, possibly in the Fall of 2023.