MPRR will be hosting Zoom conferences starting 4/22 at 1900 hours for its members to catch up and say hello. We will continue every Wednesday evening to gather this way until further notice. Please check your email inbox for a link and password to join.
Thoughts and Prayers
No matter what your personal or religious beliefs may be, the members of the Mohegan Pequot Model Railroad Club want you to know we are thinking of all our fellow global earth members and hoping that you all stay healthy and safe. Although we remain closed at this time our hopes and wishes are for a speedy recovery of those affected by this virus and a better global community. This is a difficult time for many and something the world has not experienced for a long time. Please follow the advice of our medical and political leaders and we will most certainly come out on the other side of this.
In the meantime if you are working on a model railroad project please take a minute to snap a picture along with a brief description of your work and pass it along to us. (Either or ) and we will post on our Web page and on our Facebook page.
Please stay safe and stay healthy and we look forward to the time that we can get together and run trains at the clubhouse and at model railroad shows again.
Happy Railroading,
Tom, Rich & Michele
Operations at MPRR Remain Suspended
All of us at MPRR hope that all of you are safe and healthy. Looks like it will still be a while before we see the light at the end of the tunnel but we are still moving forward. Please remember to check on one another. Thank you to all the brave and dedicated men and women on the front lines of so many professions still doing their jobs. We will get through this.
February 18, 2019
We will once again be attending the Really Big Show at the Kearsage High School in North Sutton, New Hampshire on April 15, 2019 from 10AM to 3PM. Please note that this event has been CANCELLED
Important Message to our Membership
Fellow MPRR Members,
I sincerely hope that you and your families are all safe, healthy and prepared for our individual self-quarantine situations during this virus outbreak. Your Club Officers have been watching the events progress, as you have, and have decided that we should suspend any and all MPRR activities until further notice.
This includes any activity at the clubhouse-work or social interaction, our Wednesday evening MP2 dinners, and any other MPRR activity that may be considered or requested. We have no clinic scheduled for the month and our next Business Meeting was scheduled for April 5, which is included in this suspension of activities. We will reschedule our election of officers to May 3rd(corrected from original posting). Our next MPRR sanctioned show was to be in North Sutton, New Hampshire on April 25-26 weekend, but I have been informed that it also has been cancelled.
As much as we all enjoy the hobby and our interactions, we take this measure in an abundance of caution and an attempt to ensure that none of our membership is placed in any situation that puts their health in danger. We may stay in contact as we do now by phone, email, and text, maintaining connections to one and another. I encourage all of us to be speaking with each other regularly so that our community can be self aware and ready to help if one of us should need anything.
As always, any question, comment, or suggestion, please let us know.
Thanks, stay safe and healthy.
Tom, Rich, and Michele
TONIGHT!!! Pizza and a Train Movie February 22nd at 5PM at the Clubhouse
We will be enjoying our second Pizza and a Movie evening on February 22nd at 5PM at our clubhouse, 73 Rte. 2, Preston CT. A small donation toward the pizza fund will keep this enjoyable evening going. Guests are welcome to stop by and share the evening in our club with us. Please let Tom know (860-234-1138) if you are interested in attending so we may have enough pizza on board!
2nd Annual Mohegan-Pequot Model Railroad Club Open House Scheduled June 14, 2020
We will be having an Open House at our clubhouse, 73 Rte.2, Preston, CT, June 14, 2020 between 12-4PM. Stop by and see our club and meet our membership, have a hot-dog or sweet treat and talk model railroading!
Georgia Sun Belt Video of MPRR Ho Layout at the Amherst Railroad Show
Video by Anthony@GeorgiaSunBelt -with permission