Today is our Open House!!!
2nd Official MPRR Open House
We will be welcoming guests to our open house on Saturday April 22nd from 1PM to 4PM. Stop by and see our HO and O Gauge Club layouts in operation. Bring the kids, young and old alike, let’s talk, run some trains and maybe membership in our club!
Mohegan Pequot Model Railroad Open House Scheduled
We have scheduled April 22, 2023 as our second Open House at the Club. Please stay tuned as we prepare and post definte times with information so you may stop by and say “Hi”
Yes, we are OPEN
I know it has been a while since the website has been updated. That is totally on me and I hope to have some new items, photos, videos and information published within the next sevferal weeks. Stay tuned as we prepare to enter 2023! Tom Snyder - President
MPRR Club Reopening?
There’s been a lot of activity around the clubhouse lately as many of our members become fully vaccinated and feel more comfortable in small safe groups. We are having numerous discussions and talking to the membership about reopening on or about May 1st while maintaining safe and healthy procedures. While we continue to plan and discuss the best way to approach our new normal…stay tuned.
It’s been a while since we’ve had much to say. Everyone is still trying to stay safe and healthy at MPRR and we hope you are also. Many of our members and their families are beginning to get vaccinated and we hope to be opening up the club to more activity in the near future, stay tuned.
MPRR Update
We’re still here! We have been very careful limiting our activities this year and have held our meetings and contacts to mostly Zoom meetings and conferences. We have recently started to open our clubhouse back up for our members to work and use the layouts. We are limiting attendance and maintaining social distancing as well as ensuring disinfectant protocols. We hold alternate Wednesday evening in person work sessions and Zoom conferences as listed on our Calendar page. Please fill out a contact form if you’d like information or have any comments about our club. Stay safe and healthy. Thanks , Tom Snyder MPRR President
MPRR June Zoom Business Meeting
We will be having our monthly business meeting by Zoom format on June 14 at 7PM. An email invitation has been sent to the membership.
Memorial Day - Remember and Honor
On this memorial day, the Officers and Members of the MPRR would like to take this time to remember & honor all those who have made the Ultimate Sacrifice Defending this great Nation of ours.... God Bless America!!!
May Business Meeting by Zoom
Last evening we conducted our May Business meeting by Zoom. There was not a lot on the agenda since our suspended operations went into effect. We did however discuss planning for a June 1st reinstatement with necessary conditions if things continue to improve. Hopefully we can all stay safe and get back to our club and what we love doing. Remember to keep those lost and dealing with this crisis in our prayers, thoughts, and deeds in whatever way we are able.